
Since 1984, IRDAM has been developing, manufacturing  and selling compact weather sensors adapted to the special needs of our customers. IRDAM’s weather systems use an extremely accurate, rugged and dependable “thermofield variations” method for measuring wind speed and wind direction.

Since its creation for market-oriented defense equipment, IRDAM has engineered its products to meet the highest standards of MIL-STD norms and has earned a reputation amongst integrators of armored vehicles, as a manufacturer, who not only delivers the highest quality products but also provides exceptional service.

As a result of our success in the military market, many civilian organizations began asking for a low maintenance and accurate weather sensors.  In 1993, IRDAM began producing a civilian model engineered and built to the CE standards. The civilian applications include ports, bridges, petrochemical companies, emergency management and civil defense agencies, crane operations and other construction and security applications. IRDAM is actively involved in projects around the world. IRDAM continues to be the leader in the compact weather sensor market, as more customer learn about the robust capabilities of our products.

One major reason for our success is IRDAM refuses to compromise quality and the evidence of our commitment is the loyalty of our military defense and civilian customers. With its weather sensors, IRDAM SA is present on the whole world market where reliability and robustness admits no compromise in military defense and civil security sectors.